Thursday 7/24/03 12:42 AM -- This past Sunday (7/20/03) I set up the Bluffcosm Shoutcast stream to be on 24/7. I started off calling it " - Audio Head Trips" and played "50 Anniversity" over and over again for an hour or two. Then I put on the latest Overnightscape, #19, and changed the stream title to "The Overnightscape on - Late Night Talk Show". Then I added all 19 episodes of The Overnightscape, and that's what's been playing now, over and over again. I plan on adding some more material to the stream soon. Also, right now the stream is at 24kbps, and has a maximum of 5 concurrent listeners. If I need more bandwidth (which hopefully I will!), I can use a streaming server provider to increase capacity very easily.

The other day, I did a test for taking phone calls, and after a few different configurations, I got to a method which seems to work pretty well, so I should be able to take calls now!

It's been a long time since I updated the news page here, but I've pretty much just been doing The Overnightscape every week. The way I do it is record it to hard drive, touch it up a bit, and then put it online. Besides Overnightscape, I completed one Blufftoon last month, "A Cigar Mania". Also, I've been doing some work on the Dr. Who Polarized Worlds tapes (a fanfilm movie I made with some friends back in 1985).

With the live feed a reality now, I plan on making a lot of changes and improvements. First off, I think I'll do The Overnightscape live from now on. Also, I may move to a longer format, perhaps 2-3 hours. I will also expand the range of content, including more Blufftoons, phone calls, and other stuff.

In my life... I lost my job almost 2 months ago... trying to figure stuff out... Bluffcosm is definitely a part of my plans for the future... also trying to resolve the "conflicts" between Bluffcosm and my other great endeavor, Obliviana. We'll see how things go... I'm working on a lot of new ideas...

Tuesday 4/15/03 10:37 PM -- I kept that Shoutcast up most of the day. Got a few listeners here and there.

Well, it's been a week since I took Obliviana offline, and no one seems to have noticed. At least nobody's missing it. By the way, on the day I deleted all the Obliviana stuff, there was a freak April snowstorm... weird...

I still need to make a new news page. I'll get around to it soon. Also, last night I added "The Mini Car Show" to the main page. I gotta fix the main page too. "The Mini Car Show" has a description but none of the the others do (except for The Overnightscapes)...

Winter from mentioned The Overnightscape that I mentioned his site on (from his Media Hits page):

Web Sites That Have Mentioned Mine Overnightscape #3)

Here is the screenshot of the "Blog Interview" (large JPEG). I haven't heard from the guy, so I guess maybe that's it? No article on his website?

Here is a transcript of my posts on regarding Bluffcosm and The Overnightscape:

03/15/03 , impglein ,
I think this would be useful... an option which would automatically save every song that is played. In my case, I'm using MadPlayer for "background music" on a talk radio thing. I'd like to just "let it play", but I'd also like to be able to retrieve a song if, afterwards, I hear the tape and like a particular song.
A0 : 03/15/03 , DrMad ,
Re : autosave/log?
Interesting. I'll put it on our list.
As alwayz, no promise, though...
BTW we will be posting soon our new firmware release feature list.
Stay tuned.
A1 : 03/28/03 , impglein ,
Re : autosave/log?
If you're interested, I put the first episde of the talk show I mentioned, "The Overnightscape", on my site It features MadPlayer music in the background, and I talk about some of its features and stuff and play around with it. It's an hour long and a little over 20MB download.
A2 : 03/28/03 , impglein ,
Re : autosave/log?
The proper URL is:
04/15/03 , impglein ,
Great new features! Just wondering, are there changes to the music algorithms themselves? I remember hearing something about it, but I didn't see a reference to it in the documentation.
Hear "The Overnightscape" on, a talk show that uses MadPlayer for background music

Sunday 4/13/03 9:55 AM -- Shoutcasting again, the 5 current episodes of The Overnightscape. Listing says " presents The Overnightscape - late night talk show". I'll keep it on for awhile.

Wednesday 4/9/03 7:26 AM -- I am gonna make a new news page soon. So this may be the last update on this oldstyle page. A lot of links on this and the older news page don't work because I took most of the non-Bluffcosm stuff on the site offline. initiated the 3 song max on Jan. 31, but there was a loophole where you could create a radio station with all your songs (in my case, 96). Well, they closed that loophole. I updated the three songs from Weird October Dreamer, The Killer Bag, and Ping Pong to The Evil Farm (Distilled Highlights), Dear Courtney (Part 1), and Weird October Dreamer. I have these Blufftoons on now, so I'm not gonna link to but maybe leaving the site up will get folks to discover Bluffcosm if they stumble across it...

The revamped Bluffcosm homepage has a new "Stream" feature, which allows instant listening of the MP3's without having to download them. It works quite well.

The new "tagline" is " - Internet Radio Station - Original Talk, Comedy, and Weirdness". I'm not thrilled with it, but at least it communicates somewhat what it's all about.

Monday 4/7/03 10:55 PM -- Website revamped. Obliviana is offline. New news page coming soon.

Sunday 4/6/03 8:57 PM -- Lots of stuff going on. First of all, I had done web-forwarding for, sending it to a sub-page on This past Thursday, I set the DNS entry back to the way it was. Now, again, and go to the same place. And now I have to make a new homepage to accomodate this change. And I need to make some serious decisions about my whole creative life and endeavors.

This past Friday and Saturday (4/4-4/5) I recorded "The Motor Excursion Ruffians #2", with Peter Litkey and Bryan Cassidy. We did over eight hours of recording, driving from New Jersey to Virginia, and then going on some adventures there in Virginia. I think I can edit it down to make a really good hour or two of Bluffcosm insanity.

On the technical front, I still have a ways to go before I get a 24/7 Shoutcast stream going. I am working with my webhost to allow for easy MP3 streaming, though.

I'm thinking about doing an audio "Bluffcosm News Brief". This will hopefully fit into my streaming plans.

Four episodes of "The Overnightscape" are now done and online. I'm really happy with this new show format, and I plan on continuing with it. I was happy to hear that Winter of listened to the show after I sent him an email talking about how I had mentioned his site on the show.

Way back when, there was very briefly a Bluffcosm fan site. I think I have some archives of it, which I plan on making available here soon.

The "blog interview" below has been added to. I'll put the full thing also online here soon.

Oh, also in Virginia I bought a bunch of interesting cassette tapes which may hold audio treasures! Time will tell...

Saturday 3/29/03 2:24 AM

Subj: Journal Entry: Bluffcosm
Date: Friday, March 28, 2003 6:05:57 PM

Hey Frank,

I posted a link to Bluffcosm in my journal.

I'm following MadPlayer apps. and the war, of cource.

How do you like the MadPlayer?
What is your vision for Bluffcosm?
What is your background?
When in the next Bluffcosm show using the MadPlayer?
What equipment do you use to produce your show?
Will you be posting digital images on your site that go along with your shows?


-Jack Olmsted
New Digital Reporter


-----How do you like the MadPlayer?

The MadPlayer is fantastic. It's like something I'd get in a dream and then wake up and be pissed-off that it isn't real. I've been seeking out copyright-free music for a long time, and it just kinda doesn't exist. MadPlayer has been working out extremely well on "The Overnightscape".

-----What is your vision for Bluffcosm?

Internet radio station with original talk, comedy, drama, stupidity, and cool weirdness. I'm working on getting a 24/7 Shoutcast stream going.

-----What is your background?

New Jerseyan. Obsessed with tape-recording things from a young age. Got kicked off my college radio show back in 1986. Started a magazine based on the radio show, almost got kicked out of college. Transferred to NYU Film School. Started publishing company with magazine, released a few issues nationally, then went out of business. Various audio and video projects. Started in 2000, ups and downs, now things are lookin' good.

-----When in the next Bluffcosm show using the MadPlayer?

More episodes of "The Overnightscape".

-----What equipment do you use to produce your show?

Shure 55SH microphone (vintage-looking reproduction), JoeMeek MQ3 Studio Interface, Behringer Eurorack MXB1002 Mixer, MadPlayer, and a 1998 Mac with various audio software.

-----Will you be posting digital images on your site that go along with your shows?

I have pictures up for several older shows that used to be streamed on

Also, my news page has a bunch of pics.

Friday 3/28/03 1:01 AM -- This past Monday, 3/24/03, Bluffcosm celebrated its 3rd anniversary from when it first began "broadcasting". I was planning on doing something for the big day there, but I kind of forgot all about it.

I found an awesome review for Bluffcosm!!! It's from Joey Manley's Web Show Guide ( Here's what it says:

Description: When I was a kid, I got a tape recorder for Christmas. I carried it with me everywhere, just talking at random, recording friends at school when they didn't know it, or putting the microphone against a telephone pole then hitting the telephone pole with an aluminum baseball bat (the sound is quite something, by the way -- you should try it, with or without a microphone). That phase passed. I'd forgotten all about it, until I stumbled on this website (through the directory website, also run by the creator of BluffCosm). These audio pieces come off as similarly random-seeming and childish at first, but after a few hours on the site I began to see the barest outline of a larger artistic agenda. Began. Barest. I emphasize my hedging here. I'm not really sure what this stuff is supposed to be doing to me. But I did end up enjoying whatever it was. Part slice-of-life, part skit show, part found-audio-object, and part juvenile cutting up, these audio works show us an artist attempting to create an aesthetic, and master an idiom, that has absolutely no public distribution outlet, save a handful of difficult-to-get-into public radio shows, and the Internet (and even here, his options are rapidly dwindling -- according to his blog, he's had to shut down, or reconfigure, his use of such services as Live365 and over the past year or so, while those services themselves struggle to reach sustainable profitability). I should mention that there are far more hours of audio programming available here than I was able to listen to in the limited time I am able to devote to work (I listened to "The Evil Barn," "Dear Courtney," and "Weird October Dreamer.") But I will definitely be returning to this website someday. My description above may change as I continue to delve into the works available here. I may even uncover the artist's agenda. Assuming the works stay available. I'm hoping that Mr. Nora manages to hang onto his online distribution outlets without spending too much money. Hm. Maybe you shouldn't visit: if you run up his bandwidth bill, I might not be able to listen in, myself, as much as I want to. So stay away. You hear me? This stuff is too good for you, anyway.
Added on: 20-Feb-2003 Hits: 6
Rate this Site
Category: Internet Radio/Talk and Spoken Word/Experimental

Now, in other news, I recorded "The Overnightscape #1" tonight, and I put it online. It's a whole new kind of programming on Bluffcosm! Actually, the past 2 Thursdays I recorded 2 "beta" Overnightscapes, but they were just to get my feet wet. This is the first real one, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out!

So, some stuff happenin' in Bluffcosm!

Wednesday 3/13/03 12:08 AM -- I shut down the Shoutcast stream. It was just kind of an experiment. I think I need a dedicated computer for it to make sense. Also, I was listening to the 147-Blufftoon random playlist, and I could tell it would be very confusing for someone unfamiliar with Bluffcosm. But it was cool that I could get it to work.

In other news, I think I need to make a new news page. Looking at that "" link above is quite lame... that link has been dead for years. And a lot of other links are dead or useless now too!

Wednesday 3/12/03 8:13 PM -- I put all the Blufftoons at random on the Shoutcast server (about 37.5 hours, 147 Blufftoons, 162 MP3s (because of Blufftoons with multiple segments). Should be interesting to listen to!

Wednesday 3/12/03 7:39 AM -- Lotta stuff's been happening. Let's take a look chronologically...

First of all, these are the three Blufftoons on the main page: Weird October Dreamer, The Killer Bag, and Ping Pong. Not sure these are the best ones to have there--I might change it at some point.

On 2/12/03 I updated the Bluffcosm homepage. I decided on 48kbps stereo as the MP3 format for stuff on the Bluffcosm site. It is, in general, about as low as you can go for stuff to remain stereo and still sound decent. Ten Blufftoons available on the homepage.

2/15/03. The Last Video Game Meeting. I recorded Classictronica #4.

On 2/19/03 I used my Bluffcosm audio experience for a good purpose. Opie and Anthony, popular DJs/radio hosts, were fired over 6 months ago, and there's still a big fan community online. Very little had been heard from them since the firing. Then on 2/19, on a message board I read they were going to clean out their offices at WNEW, and that if any fans wanted to show up, they'd give them stuff from the office. It was very short notice, but I got there, and I recorded the whole thing. That night, I made a half-hour MP3 and put it on my web server. Since then, it's gotten something like 800-1000 downloads. It's a great piece of audio, like a brand-new O&A show. I didn't use the opportunity to promote myself. I felt it would be in bad taste to be opportunistic like that.

2/24/03. I ended OsoaWeek (with issue 446) and with it, the "Vision of Obliviana". Let's just say I realized how deluded and obsessed I had been. I'm still in the process of reorienting myself. But one thing I am sure of is that Bluffcosm is going to be a much bigger part of the new scheme of things than it had been.

Last night, 3/11/03, I started a Shoutcast stream! Right now, it has all the Blufftoon Times on it--almost 9 hours of stuff! And it's listed on the Shoutcast directory. " - some audio head trips for ya..." Much easier for people to hear than the old Live365 streams. 5 listeners max right now.

I've been continuing to work on Jaloppio. I've gotten emails from some folks to update their links and stuff. Jaloppio grew out of Jalopy Audio, Which had been Jalopy Radio, which had been the old Internet Audio Links. Also last month I believe, I got a link to Jaloppio on And I applied to Yahoo and Open Directory for links to Jaloppio.

So, things are starting to look brighter for Bluffcosm!

Saturday 2/8/03 3:34 AM -- Okay, we're back! Wow, what a rotten trip for Bluffcosm... a year and a half of muddled confusion, failed experiments, etc. Well, the good news is, I finally got a decent plan for Obliviana. And instead of trying to fit Bluffcosm into the scheme of Obliviana, I have decided to make Bluffcosm a separate thing altogether.

It's gonna take some time to get things cleaned up and back up to speed. I just made a new Bluffcosm homepage. And I made it so that in a few days "" will go directly to the Bluffcosm homepage., the site I was using to stream a lot of stuff, has instituted some new policies, and the bottom line is the old Bluffcosm streams are no longer available. Well... they are slightly available... I think some of them are still on, and if you have a premium subscription to Live365, I think you might be able to listen to them. But for all intents and purposes, the era of Bluffcosm on Live365 is over. they have also changed things. Now there can only be 3 songs on the homepage of an artist. So what I did was create a "station" with all the tracks on it. It's actually a nicer, simpler page. So that's pretty good.

I don't think I'm gonna be adding new stuff to I want to host as much as possible on my own website. I'm trying to figure out the best bitrate. Right now I got some stereo 64kbps MP3's on there. Kind of a compromise between 24 and 128. But I am still working on it.

Here are the new Blufftoons since last time. I guess they are the February 2003 Wave... if indeed I am gonna keep on doing Waves...

Blufftoon 142: Obliviana Wander Radio Mini-Preview #1 -- (5:21)
Blufftoon 143: Obliviana Wander Radio Mini-Preview #2 -- (15:29)
Blufftoon 144: Blufftoon Time #2 -- (5:31:17)
Blufftoon 145: Blufftoon Time Dream -- (10:00)
Blufftoon 146: The Blufftoon Time Dream Minute -- (1:00)
Blufftoon 147: The Bluffcosm 5-Minute Vacation From Sanity #6 -- (5:00)

Monday 1/7/02 9:14 PM -- Hey. As you can see, Bluffcosm has fallen into another lengthy hibernation. And this is probably gonna be the last update for awhile. For updates on what's going on in Bluffcosm, check out Meta Obliviana.

Anyway, there is some good news. At the end of November 2001, I did produce the November 2001 Wave of Blufftoons. I did not add any of the Blufftoons to,, or Laser Hinterland, but they are done. Here's the list, without the descriptions, since I haven't written them yet.

Blufftoon 130: Classictronica #2 -- (45:47)
Blufftoon 131: Classictronica #2 (Distilled Highlights) -- (3:24)
Blufftoon 132: The Evil Farm (2-Minute Version) -- (2:00)
Blufftoon 133: Dear Courtney (2-Minute Version) -- (2:00)
Blufftoon 134: 50 Anniversity -- (5:56)
Blufftoon 135: Paul 6 Years -- (3:39)
Blufftoon 136: The Hot Kestrel (Remastered) -- (6:42)
Blufftoon 137: Xmas 1973 Mike -- (2:27)
Blufftoon 138: Matt Headroom -- (1:14)
Blufftoon 139: The Bluffcosm 5-Minute Vacation From Sanity #5 -- (5:00)
Blufftoon 140: Beta Stormtoon #1 -- (15:00)
Blufftoon 141: Beta Stormtoon #2 -- (15:00)

Several of these Blufftoons are available to listen to. Beta Stormtoom #1 and #2 can be downloaded here. These contain several other of these Blufftoons, including Classictronica #2 (Distilled Highlights), The Evil Farm (2-Minute Version), Dear Courtney (2-Minute Version), and The Bluffcosm 5-Minute Vacation From Sanity #5.

Now, if there is anyone out there who wants to hear any of the unavailable Blufftoons, email me and I'll see what I can do.

Things are quite screwed-up in Obliviana now, but I am definitely going to continue working on Bluffcosm. Check out Meta Obliviana for updates. Okay!

Saturday 7/28/01 7:28 PM -- Happy Obliviana Day! Today, Obliviana Phase Two starts, with a new website and a new focus. The new Obliviana is going to focus on the world of 209 and Stormjaunting... but Bluffcosm is still alive, and it'll keep on going. I am planning on releasing an August 2001 Wave of Blufftoons. Watch this space for further Bluffcosm developments.

Sunday 7/15/01 11:39 PM -- Here's a Bluffcosm update. On 6/9/01, I recorded "Classictronica #2", which I am still editing. On 7/2/01, I went to 17 malls in one day and recorded "Tap-a-Mall #1" (no production work done yet). Later on today, I am planning on recording "Blufftoon Time #2".

There will be no Blufftoon Waves for June or July 2001. I've been working on the future of Obliviana over the past few weeks, trying to come up with a new direction for Obliviana Day, July 28. I have developed some very interesting ideas, but I'm not sure exactly what the new direction is gonna be.

All this development work will be revealed once I get caught up with OsoaWeek (which has fallen way behind). So don't worry... Bluffcosm and Obliviana are still alive!

Monday 6/4/01 10:31 PM -- I added "The New Computerized Audio Entertainment" to the homepage, both in the title and as a graphic under the grid.

Thursday 5/31/01 11:16 PM -- The May 2001 Wave of Blufftoon has finally arrived! May has been a really fucked-up month here at Bluffcosm... but I managed to produce a dazzling array of little audio gems for ya!

With this new stuff, there is now 29 hours and 39 minutes of sound in Bluffcosm. Isn't it time you got some of that good stuff into your ears? Come on! Let's go!

In this Wave, there are a number of Blufftoons that I decided not to put on they're ones that I would have, in the past, put into Laser Hinterland... but I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with that damn vague Hinterland, that "Major Junkway Plain". If ya wanna hear any of the stream-only Blufftoons, and you don't wanna wait for the stream to cycle, drop me an email and we'll just see if we can work something out!

Here's a list of the new Blufftoons...

Blufftoon 116: Blufftoon Time #1 -- (3:23:28) Imagine listening to a radio station where they played Blufftoons instead of music... and here ya go! Frank, Pete, and Jay play your favorite audio masterpieces... semi-live on tape from lovely Howell, NJ! (On Blufftoon TIme stream only)

Blufftoon 117: Weird October Beast -- (2:20) It's a Weird October at Weird University... and there's something wrong with Will! And whatever happened to Maureen...? (On and Blufftoon Shuffle stream)

Blufftoon 118: Weird October Dreamer -- (4:31) It's a Weird October at Weird University... and why does Rob keep having these strange dreams...? (On and Blufftoon Shuffle Stream)

Blufftoon 119: Weird October Hitchhiker -- (8:06)It's a Weird October at Weird University... and John's a waiter who gets abused by customers, and then has to hitchhike home one day... (On and Blufftoon Shuffle stream)

Blufftoon 120: Weird October Spirit -- (1:58) It's a Weird October at Weird University... and Will, Rob, and John meet a mysterious stranger that they could all swear they've seen before... (On and Blufftoon Shuffle stream)

Blufftoon 121: Beublin 21: Anthony and Hazy -- (11:37) The last of the early '90s Beublin outtakes! Hear Melter Pluto guitarist Hazy Nopperty complain about Beublin! Hear additional footage from the Halloween party! Hear Anthony Neuro... um... talk about Beublin! (On Beublin Stream only)

Blufftoon 122: Beublin 22: All My Helicopters -- (11:00) A brand new episode! Beublin A. Richardson gets thrown in jail and meets his old friend Horace Doom and ice-cream-store-bomber Gene Bossel. (On Beublin Stream only)

Blufftoon 123: All My Helicopters (Radio Edit) -- (4:34) A streamlined version of Beublin 22. Beublin A. Richardson gets thrown in jail and meets his old friend Horace Doom and ice-cream-store-bomber Gene Bossel. (On and Blufftoon Shuffle stream)

Blufftoon 124: The Famous Cameracorder -- (1:45) Now that you got your car started, can I have some food? Listen, this world runs on a capitalistic sort of system. You are an alms beggar. I have no need for you. (On and Blufftoon Shuffle stream)

Blufftoon 125: The Arkanoid Player -- (1:59) Step back in time to Drew University in October 1986... the campus arcade... with Galaga and Eight Ball Deluxe in the background... Bryan is playing... playing Arkanoid! (On Blufftoon Shuffle stream only)

Blufftoon 126: Pineapple -- (2:08) An alternate take from the original footage of the Blufftoon "Weird October Hitchhiker". John is a waiter who gets abused by his customers... (On Blufftoon Shuffle stream only)

Blufftoon 127: The Sophomore Bathroom -- (5:06) Shyboy, Mink, and Wolf tell their tales of trouble and narcotics. From the beginning of the tape that ends with the Blufftoon "Throat Ripper Scene". (On Blufftoon Shuffle stream only)

Blufftoon 128: The Interesting Man -- (16:44) Wolf, Shyboy, Lee, Mink, and Frank--five teenagers in approximately 1987. Hear Frank trying to be deep and artistic, and sounding like an absolute fool! From the middle of the tape that ends with the Blufftoon "Throat Ripper Scene". (On Blufftoon Shuffle stream only)

Blufftoon 129: The Bluffcosm 5-Minute Vacation From Sanity #4 -- (5:00) Get 'em on film. Uh-oh. Hey Robert. What's up? Get your underwear back? No. Damn! Damn the system! (On and Blufftoon Shuffle stream)

Thursday 5/31/01 10:15 PM -- Okay. Like a day after I wrote that last update, the website went down again. It could be accessed via, but not And, it reverted back to the early-April backup again.

So, after several attempts to reach the bad web host, I signed up with a different service, and today, is back! Down for three weeks... man... that's at least 15 hits I lost...

Okay! Okay! I'll try not to be bitter about being so unsuccessful thus far! I'll just keep on tryin', man!

Thursday 5/17/01 10:40 AM -- Well, this site was down for about a week-and-a-half. It just came back on Tuesday, I think -- but they restored an old backup... from about a month ago... I just fixed the site, and everything should be back to normal.

This past Saturday (5/12/01) I did some recording down at Video Game Connections in Howell, NJ, with Peter Litkey and Jay Forman, along with a few other people. We recorded "Blufftoon Time #1" and a new epsiode of Beublin. It was quite awesome and insane.

And in other news, Bluffcosm was mentioned on a really cool show called Static Internet Radio, on the newest episode "Wax Job 5/13/01". Check it out! I love Static... it's definitely one of the best computerized audio entertainment productions out there.

Saturday 4/28/01 6:12 PM -- OsoaWeek is updated! Check it out!

Saturday 4/28/01 2:26 PM -- It's time for the April 2001 Wave of Blufftoons! Bluffcosm Year Two is starting off with 53 minutes and 7 seconds of pure Computerized Audio Entertainment insanity! Check it out!

Here's a list of the new Blufftoons...

Blufftoon 108: Hello Ginger -- (2:26) Summer 1985... VHS overdubbing on an ancient VCR... JIM! JIM!

Blufftoon 109: Beublin 19: Horrible Waters -- (10:02) A psychedelic saunter through a world of outtakes from the early '90s Beublin A. Richardson universe. Yes, you can tap into creativity, if you just let yourself "go".

Blufftoon 110: Beublin 20: Horace Doom -- (6:25) Controverial poet Horace Doom, a Beublin character you've heard about... and now you can hear him in this "deleted scene" from the original series!

Blufftoon 111: A Lovely Day in New York -- (6:22) The first nice day of Spring 2001 in NYC... and it bicyclist vs. cab driver in this amazing street conflict, caught on tape!

Blufftoon 112: A Hairy One -- (9:21) It's nighttime at college... and John is drunk! Hear his friends torment him in this mid-1980s classic!

Blufftoon 113: Birthday 1988 -- (4:14) October 3, 1988... the offices of Anything But Monday Magazine in Caldwell, NJ... Mike wishes Frank a happy birthday by hurling batteries at him...

Blufftoon 114: Shopping With Franco -- (8:41) Join Franco Wolfini and the mysterious cameraman "Willie" on a very wacky trip to the supermarket! Another audio masterpiece from "Weird University"... including an appearance by Iggy Szalzo!

Blufftoon 115: Weird Vice -- (5:36) The exciting adventures of Detective Goldberg on the campus of Weird University! Traffic violations, wild parties, drug deals... it's crazy crime action-adventure!

Saturday 4/28/01 2:20 PM -- Welcome to the Year Two Bluffcosm News page! The Year One Bluffcosm News Page is a great record of Bluffcosm's first year... now let's go with YEAR TWO!!!!!

All contents copyright 2001 Frank Edward Nora, Lord of Obliviana. E-mail: