-------- -- -----  A E R I E   O B L I V I A N A .
singular book of text wandertainment by Frank Edward Nora
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OSOAWEEK--ISSUE 058--9/1/95
<-------  ||  OsoaWeek  ||  Issues  ||  Book 5  ||  ------->
(Cup OWis058, Created v1 (4/27/99), Copyright 1999)

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[[01058CV]] * * * O S O A W E E K 0 5 8 * * * September 1, 1995
"The weekly ezine of Obliviana Super Occult Amusement!"
by Frank Edward Nora


01 058 CV--Cover
02 058 LA--Lord of Obliviana
03 058 SU--Superior


INFORMATION: OsoaWeek058, September 1, 1995. Published weekly by Obliviana Super Occult Amusement, obliviana@aol.com, 1-800-OBLIVIANA. All contents copyright 1995 Frank Edward Nora. This release is Predatorware--you are free to make digital copies, so long as they're not altered or sold. All other forms of reproduction require permission. You're Prey unless you get a Predator Deed for this release. Contact us for more on this concept.

Check out Obliviana on the WWW at:

Character count: 6728 / Line count: 217


[[02058LA]] Lord of Obliviana

Sunday, October 1, 1995, 11:56:23 PM

Finally finished OsoaWeek057. Paid bills, did laundry. Both with help from Kerri. I feel that things are turning around. I feel that my will is starting to turn things around. But I'm dealing with inertia, so I can't just turn everything around at once.

So, I'm pretty disconnected with what I was doing here in OsoaWeek. All those goals I set for myself for Book Five--hah. But seriously, I did need a break, and I got it. I avoided losing my mind--that's pretty good, innit?

Well I gotta be driving to the train station in like six hours or so, so g'nite!

Friday, October 6, 1995, 12:22:49 AM

Hello. Why am I listening to "The White Room" by "The KLF"?

O'm 28 years old.

Om... om... om...

Yeah so. Whatsup.

Sounds like I'm in a chat room, no?

People, I AM your fearless leader. And I HAVE created the stunning OYO (Obliviana Year One). I am just now recovering from the year-long struggle of creating OYO.

KLF: off. The Fixx: on.

In OYO, I wrote about my fear that OYO would end up being my masterpiece.

I'm coming to learn a great many things about great creative accomplishments. Like, I don't think that OYO is anywhere near my ultimate masterwork. How many great creators thought this about those works which became their masterworks? I wonder.

Also, creating produces a great emotional strain, and as I commented somewhere, I felt totally devastated after I completed OYO, and found little joy in its completion. Now, I am beginning to reap some joy from it. But it allowed me to understand, possibly, what Kurt Cobain felt about his masterworks--that they were worthless.

Is all this suffering an integral part of the creative process? I tend to think it is. Writing OYO was not just a mental thing--it became my whole life. Physical, emotional, mental, ethereal...

Where am I at anyway now?

Like that sentence.

My intent is to build a huge digital publishing company.

The only problem is that I'm not a very good businessman. Maybe no massive creator is. But I believe I can do it.

The idea of the hour is, the Digital Superworld will allow non-businessmen to become wildly successful in business.

Right now? I'm just easing back into creating after a well-deserved rest. My ideas for Severe Repair are busting at the seams of my mind, so I'm finally continuing with my super sci-fi novel. And watch for a new character, named
"Witchcraft Paranoia Films". Hey?

I need to develop my infrastructure before I can really move on. See, the infrastructure will allow me to continually expand and edit my realm of content.

I am working on the Obliviana Cup idea. I am very tired. I like the idea of a unified container. And digital infostimulation as something you drink, very apt. Good word, apt. Sound like one of those corny gods they'd have at the Luxor.

So... how do Fonosta and Cup mesh?

Monday, October 9, 1995, 7:33:00 PM

Monday, October 9, 1995, 7:52:48 PM

Just playing a little "Galaga & Galaxian" on Super Game Boy on a B&W TV there for a few minutes. Samuel Adams Scotch Ale is cool. Saw a good "Simpsons" yesterday, where Bart sells his soul to his friend Millhouse.

I am right now like nowjere.


I am right here like nowhere.

Getting into another Beatle wave, man, there is so much depressing about The Beatles and the sphere of activity around them. Apple Corps, their disintegration, Yoko... man...

Apple Corps had some things in common with Obliviana. Like it being a multimedia entertainment empire and stuff. Even the power of The Beatles couldn't make it work. Maybe I should rephrase that--with the business attitudes The Beatles had, maybe they were lucky it got as far as it did.

Peace and love and trust--no way to motivate people in business. Oh well, who is John Galt?

You can see I've been reading Atlas Shrugged. Or not, if you're not familiar with the book.

I am not anywhere.

Who am I? What the hell. So many times I'd go into a K-Mart or Caldor or Bradlees in my time of unemployment, and wander around, browsing and losing it. Think of it.

Before, I bought Galaga & Galaxian for Game Boy even though I couldn't afford it--now I gotta tightly budget myself for the rest of the week.

Who am I?

Gawsh, I wonder how Book Five will look in relation to all the rest of OsoaWeek? Or will it be the end? And in the end... the OsoaWeek you take... is equal to the OsoaWeek... you make...

A little Beatles reference there for ya. Ever notice that The Beatles' "The End" has no incest in it, unlike The Doors' version? Yeah.

May as well finish up this issue and move on to the next. Like 11 days till Book Six!!! I think Book Six might be a Severe Repair only Book...

Get all Obliviana.


[[03058SU]] Superior

Tearend. A men's clothing shop in Princeton. Quiet down. I was in Iowa. I was no one in particular. I made out checks, mailed them, then got that money out of an ATM. Kinda symbolic. What was I? I have ruffles. Forget it gammit. Dammit.

Member in the Particulat. Ya I am no Knoodle. I hear about innocence, but I gotta wonder, these girls who hungered to have a penis deep inside their vagina, I gotta wonder. Are we missing the point? Desires--is it those Zen dufuses who seek to destroy all desire in themselves? No desire, satisfaction no problem. DESIRE! I WANT! Surrounding. Listen to me--all this sex, drugs, rock'n'roll--all that--tastes best as a spice to your main thust of building, creating, and solving problems. Thust not thrust.

Truon, is the subatomic is the a container for the a truth. Gum and sparklers--are you still the lovely? Night-colored glasses and a church parking lot--gotta be that burnout girl's nipples what make you hard. No mercy.

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