-------- -- -----  A E R I E   O B L I V I A N A .
singular book of text wandertainment by Frank Edward Nora
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OSOAWEEK--ISSUE 123--11/30/96
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(Cup OWis123, Created v1 (4/27/99), Copyright 1999)

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[[01123CV]] * * * O S O A W E E K 1 2 3 * * * November 30, 1996
"The weekly ezine of Obliviana Super Occult Amusement!"
by Frank Edward Nora


01 123 CV--Cover
02 123 SU--Superior

OsoaWeek123, November 30, 1996
Sixth issue of OsoaWeek Book Ten
Written by Frank Edward Nora

Published weekly by Obliviana Super Occult Amusement

All contents copyright 1996 Frank Edward Nora

Regarding this file, you are free to make digital copies, so long as they're not altered or sold. All other forms of reproduction require permission from Frank Edward Nora.


[[02123SU]] Superior

SUPERIOR 645 * 2/2/97 (hotel bathroom)
Yes hell and nightmares do exist, where the best intentions of one man toward another wounds horribly. Shopping. The whole American Indian pro sports thing. The whole dream of roller coaster affair. The whole Dr. Who convention affair. And useless birthday parties and I am taller than a giant statue.

SUPERIOR 646 * 2/2/97 (hotel bathroom)
Fire borne of cave, secluded for a long time, fuck that, there are meadows and roads. Back into clatter like reincarnation I use wandering as a salve. Happiness of alternate bathroom.

SUPERIOR 647 * 2/4/97
Right now it's that night of the O. J. Simpson civil trial verdict and the State of the Union address. 9:44 PM now. Clinton's droning on, and we're all still waiting for the verdict. This morning, I woke up and looked my digital alarm clock and it said 10:34, and I was pissed that I was gonna be so late to work, but when I looked back at the clock, it was like 8:24 or so. The only plausable explanation was that the first look was hypnagogic imagery, which I have been having lately, but in the form of looking at a sheet of paper and reading stuff off of it. But I recall the first look as real, implying that either the clock was malfunctioning (very unlikely) or there was some kind of time disturbance (perhaps more unlikely than the clock malfunctioning). The Swiss Army watch I got for Xmas has been malfunctioning a little, but only when I wear it. And sometimes I look at the clock at work, at the second hand, and it looks like it's going backward for a second. This all points to a weird relationship between me and clocks.

SUPERIOR 648 * 2/4/97
Fleer is some kind of trading cards? Linking, bad country music and the guitar pick used in rock music. Just funk Somerville train station, nearby parking lot, head through alley to comic book store, but it ain't there no more. Seep. Let 'em think. Pine we said. A blast, diner in Madison, memories of Drew University, haha, aha, my college days, aha, how I have canonized them and I am happy with it and fuck if I had soft time travel I'd go back there for a visit.




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