-------- -- -----  A E R I E   O B L I V I A N A .
singular book of text wandertainment by Frank Edward Nora
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OSOAWEEK--ISSUE 139--3/22/97
<-------  ||  OsoaWeek  ||  Issues  ||  Book 11  ||  ------->
(Cup OWis139, Created v1 (4/27/99), Copyright 1999)

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[[01139CV]] * * * O S O A W E E K 1 3 9 * * * March 22, 1997
"The weekly ezine of Obliviana Super Occult Amusement!"
by Frank Edward Nora


01 139 CV--Cover
02 139 SU--Superior

OsoaWeek139, March 22, 1997
Ninth issue of OsoaWeek Book Eleven
Written by Frank Edward Nora

Published weekly by Obliviana Super Occult Amusement

All contents copyright 1997 Frank Edward Nora

Regarding this file, you are free to make digital copies, so long as they're not altered or sold. All other forms of reproduction require permission from Frank Edward Nora.


[[02139SU]] Superior

SUPERIOR 707 * 4/12/97
Feeding American cheese to Ginger, my favorite cat of all time. I would fold it and fold it, till there were bit-sized chunks. She would meow for it and I would go in the kitchen and get it and then go into the TV room and sit down and she would come and I would feed it to her. We did it so many times. If in the life she is in now she gets a flash of memory of this thing, it should warm her heart.

SUPERIOR 708 * 4/13/97
I was at the mall earlier, by a pet store window, looking at ferrets. A mother with two kids comes up to the window. One kid asks "What kind of animal is that, mommy?" The mother kind of shakes her head and is confused and says nothing. "I think they're raccoons," the kid says, "baby raccoons". The mother is still bewildered. Meanwhile, there's a sign right there that says FERRETS. Y'know, it's not a pleasant subject, but there are an awful lot of stupid people out there. It's scary, how stupid people are. There's gotta be a way to make people a little smarter. There's gotta.

SUPERIOR 709 * 4/13/97
Vagabonc, biting a CD, trust, and do not explode in a craft store please and, do burrow under the food court, and that is a good diversion. There, on a rainy gray mountain hilltop, is candy that is old, and to eat it is no big deal. Pissing in a train bathroom, laser beam yourself into a stadium, start sparking, and lay down and shoot sparks all over.

SUPERIOR 710 * 4/13/97
Hi hi. I can do doorway, I can feel, in the vastness of my pastness, a Wonder that is a little Wonder in itself. Damn, this is a puzzle, this magic of youth that I keep snapping back to. I was there, 1986 for example. Pathetic, 29 and already living in the past. But I have my light at the end of the tunnel, like a capital H, the crossbar as the tunnel, that with Obliviana I will be able to regain that magic. Haha. Yes. What a comforting thought.




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