-------- -- -----  A E R I E   O B L I V I A N A .
singular book of text wandertainment by Frank Edward Nora
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OSOAWEEK--ISSUE 054--8/4/95
<-------  ||  OsoaWeek  ||  Issues  ||  Book 5  ||  ------->
(Cup OWis054, Created v1 (4/27/99), Copyright 1999)

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[[01054CV]] * * * O S O A W E E K 0 5 4 * * * August 4, 1995
"The weekly ezine of Obliviana Super Occult Amusement!"
by Frank Edward Nora


01 054 CV--Cover
02 054 LA--Lord of Obliviana
03 054 NH--Nihilistica
04 054 SU--Superior


INFORMATION: OsoaWeek054, July 28, 1995. Published weekly by Obliviana Super Occult Amusement, obliviana@aol.com, 1-800-OBLIVIANA. All contents copyright 1995 Frank Edward Nora. This release is Predatorware--you are free to make digital copies, so long as they're not altered or sold. All other forms of reproduction require permission. You're Prey unless you get a Predator Deed for this release. Contact us for more on this concept.

Check out Obliviana on the WWW at:

Character count: 9051 / Line count: 250


[[02054LA]] Lord of Obliviana

Sunday, September 10, 1995, 12:24:03 AM

I slept just about all day, then I went to the mall and bought junk. Talked to myself in my Jeep about Obliviana. Got a bottle of water here I'm drinking. Had a double espresso at Barnes & Noble. First coffee I've had for maybe two-and-a-half months.

I'm not in such good shape. But I did need today for rest.

Gotta hook my Jaguar up to the color TV. The B&W just doesn't cut it. Was gonna maybe trade my Jag in and get a PlayStation today but my videogame friend Mike was kind of a dick about it, saying it was a stupid thing to do. He kinda pissed me off. I was gonna go over to his store today, but I was steamed so I figured I'd give myself some time to cool off. Got him some bootleg movies from New York.

Cooking scrambled tofu before and a fire started underneath the skillet. F*cking great. I managed to blow it out. I have a fire extinguisher somewhere, but f*ck if I can find anything in this mess.

True love is not always fun. True love is something you don't feel every second. It's a connection, a deep connection. If people knew what love really was, maybe everyone would calm down a little.

Gotta catch up on these issues. I could just do one after another and catch up in a few hours. But I don't know.

Saw a little book of rock music posters at Barnes & Noble & it struck a chord. The idea of colorful identifying icons...

Sunday, September 10, 1995, 4:17:49 AM


So now about this Unified Field idea. The idea of Xappens, as identifying icons, as the universal form of currency, meaning, collectibility, and as containers of content.

The idea of segmenting Obliviana...

I feel I'm getting close.

Okay--I think that maybe Obliviana is something like an application with "plug-ins"--that is, it has an established structure, into which there can be an unlimited series of additions, all adhering to a set of parameters.

I guess I'm at a very Primal level here--Xappens have names and icons, and they contain content. Contcont.

But is it that basic? I don't like hierarchy, but how do you avoid it?

I guess Obliviana can't be just this huge tabula rasa--it has to have a core-level structure to it. There could be something really simple--a game like Space Invaders--which can serve as a launching point for a vast amount of stuff. Like, there might be a book in the missile launcher, and the text of that book could be presented. All sorts of stuff like that.

I am aware that I am writing in a kind of unfocused voice right now. I just wanna get ideas down. Why am I telling you all this though? I dunno. At this point, I don't need facades so much. I wanna let you all in on my thinking process here. In case Obliviana gets big, see, then folks'll see where it came from...

But yeah--the idea of Obliviana starting off as a simple game--maybe a game that can be played on computer or with physical components...

It seems to me that 209 has gotta be a big part of this game. But remember, the overall thing is called Obliviana, not 209; 209 is a PART of Obliviana.

Well then there is the idea of Fonosta. Of a thing which you can constantly shape, work on, hone, etc. It is THIS idea which I think is the one that will turn out to be the right one.

I really need to get to bed. Look at the way I am writing.

7171 Chars. Not any more.

Okay. So the core idea of the Fonosta--a thing which you are constantly working on, honing, forging, making better. What is it composed of? Pure information? Maybe. But it has to have a structure.

4:38 AM. Huh. I'm really messing myself up, huh? Gotta get up for work in 25 hours, y'know.

So the structure of the Fonosta. A number of aspects, each with many variations, for you to fill in. Could be used for gaming, as in conflict, or as in gambling, or whatever else. But it's YOUR thing. YOUR masterwork, the mark you shall leave on this world.

So now at this time I have taken the first step toward developing the Unified Field of Obliviana.

Gotta get to sleep now.

Sunday, September 10, 1995, 11:46:04 AM

I wanna finish this one up and then go on to the next issue. The state OsoaWeek is in right now, there's little need to dawdle.

So let me finish up--see you next time!

Get all Obliviana.


[[03054NH]] Nihilistica


There was a high-profile trial, of some terrorist or something, which took place on an jet airliner. The jurors were like so triumphant when they finally achieved doing the trial--I guess there were massive forces against them. The idea was that the plane had to be over America in order for the court to be official.

A guy called "The Five" or "Number Five", a weird guy with a Mohawk was the main character here. First it was in a house, and there was a power failure from plugging in a videogame system. Then it was... I was "The Five" and I was with my girlfriend Kerri, and we needed to go somewhere, but we had to walk instead of drive. We like ran along real fast on an elevated highway, but it ended and we couldn't go any further. Then "The Five" was on a train to New York, but it stopped in Newark and he had to get off. The scene cut to a truck on the surface of a huge boat, which pulled forward and then backed up into an exit-bay. It was like, his seat on the train and the area immediately surrounding it was in the back of the truck. He said something like "Guess this means they really want to get rid of me." or something. Then he was in a little boat on the water, and a guy came by with a huge red lowercase "t"--easily ten feet tall. It was a "t" from the word "Amtrak". The guy was a conductor or something, and he said the "t" was a present from the train engineer to The Five, to make up for him not being able to go all the way to New York. The Five took it, but then saw that the train engineer was also disposing of what looked like the tail section of a plane--swept-back with and vertical base. So The Five retrieved the sinking tail with some difficulty, then met up with a sexy woman. He reluctantly let her join him, and he flew up into the sky in his boat, or whatever it was, with some difficulty.

ALSO, I go into arcade I used to go to, but it was different. I wander into a circus show or something, and a guy gives me a hard time cuz I didn't pay. I told him a just wanted to play videogames, and he said I should go hang out with him for a few minutes. I did, and the arcade owner, this crazy guy I used to know, comes out and like freaks out. As he in the middle of some insane monologue, I sneak out on all fours cuz he has a gun or something. Then I start running down the street, it having just rained. Then he showed up outside in some sort of stupid sea captain costume, and it makes me so mad, I charged towards him, damn the torpedoes. Then he got scared and went inside, and him and his lackeys were real friendly but real low-class. I decided to do some "slumming" and hung out with them. Their bathroom was horrible. The door was like a broken submarine door. There were several toilets inside, but not much headroom. I had to kneel down on my knees to piss into the toilet, and there was no privacy--there were other people around. Then I tried to spit in the sink, but my saliva was a thick red mucus, and I had to take some clean toilet paper and reach inside my mouth to pull it out. It was so gross! Luckily I went to wake just then.


[[04054SU]] Superior

I have to say I love this woman. In my heart the psychedelic burning of the heart. This hasn't happened for awhile. Analytically, I gauge its strength and estimate how long it might last. I just wanna let myself go, let myself feel it as strongly as I can. Might as well take a splendor bath in emotion when it's available.

Try Becka. Last blast, LAST BLAST!

You Ale.

Drime, Dryme, Dryhme, Dhryhme, Drieme, Driahme, Deriam, Dorihm. Come, miniature golf, come go. Up a stairway in a dream, opening into your real basement, come, it's amazing. Your jaunt on the thin and narrow and safe for your life. Ya don't know it. Ya could be here, ya could be wonder full.




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