-------- -- -----  A E R I E   O B L I V I A N A .
singular book of text wandertainment by Frank Edward Nora
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OSOAWEEK--ISSUE 055--8/11/95
<-------  ||  OsoaWeek  ||  Issues  ||  Book 5  ||  ------->
(Cup OWis055, Created v1 (4/27/99), Copyright 1999)

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[[01055CV]] * * * O S O A W E E K 0 5 5 * * * August 11, 1995
"The weekly ezine of Obliviana Super Occult Amusement!"
by Frank Edward Nora


01 055 CV--Cover
02 055 LA--Lord of Obliviana
03 055 NH--Nihilistica
04 055 SU--Superior


INFORMATION: OsoaWeek055, July 28, 1995. Published weekly by Obliviana Super Occult Amusement, obliviana@aol.com, 1-800-OBLIVIANA. All contents copyright 1995 Frank Edward Nora. This release is Predatorware--you are free to make digital copies, so long as they're not altered or sold. All other forms of reproduction require permission. You're Prey unless you get a Predator Deed for this release. Contact us for more on this concept.

Check out Obliviana on the WWW at:

Character count: 3921 / Line count: 136


[[02055LA]] Lord of Obliviana

Sunday, September 10, 1995, 12:02:16 PM

Well, something I was afraid of happened. I looked back to OsoaWeek053 and found a big error--a mistake in the table of contents--so I decided to fix it. But I already finished it! Ah, this may be a problem. If it's uploaded to an online service, I CAN'T revise, because folks already have a different copy.

Oh well. I think I'll just consider that OsoaWeek053 wasn't REALLY finished till today. It was previously finalized at Thursday, September 7, 1995, 12:00 AM. Now it's Sunday, September 10, 1995, 12:01 PM. Only three days--huh! Not bad! What is that, 44 days late? Hmm...

Sunday, September 10, 1995, 1:36:48 PM

Gotta go throw away a huge number of ABM Magazines. Yeah, they're in a trailer at my grandmother's house. Most of 'em are damaged and stuff. I have like 1,000 of each one put into sets. I think I still have many good copies of the last issue, though. Maybe I'll preserve them?

I dunno. Let me finish this one up, eh.

Get all Obliviana.


[[03055NH]] Nihilistica


I created a text file of OsoaWeek issues 1 thru 52--the first year. I wanted to be able to convert it into a TIFF file, so I had to make the total number of characters the perfect square of some number. When I checked, I found out I was only a little over a hundred below 1776 squared. So I added this at the beginning:

"An infinitely entertaining string of 3,154, 176 ASCII characters."

Also, there are 5 blank lines between each issue.

As a graphics file, OYO can be rotated, creating a weird, encoded form, chock full of weird words and stuff.



[[04055SU]] Superior

Tiny signature. Used to spell it signiature. Yak. Formare. Formore, I mean. Winds of change--September is a windy force. Gotta run. Runr, is runner. Gots. No good. Unable to think or write clearly. maybe a few more words for now--history, foam, hickory, and smiles.

Cunnilingus wasn't unclaimed freight.

Release the waste. I wrote that taking a sh*t in this same spot, UC at Drew U., stall closest to door. That was 1988. This is 1995. Ten years ago, maybe to the day, I came to Drew. And discovered 209. Ten years later, I'm just about there with my core endeavor. Signed, Frank Edward Nora.

What is "football"? Get away from me! Going back a little for this one. Don't make uneducated guesses. Driving in Pluckemin. What was it I could understrawd? Yeah, gimme a questioning storefront. Good enuff.

Gotta deliver silver confetti torrential rain to the horny pieces of ass at college. What I blew up. Donut break. Keep on stumbling, you're bound to jackolantern sooner or later, kin. Thine ray ignored, quiet mind pub. It comes to mind, college kids f*cking so much they have to take a donut break and joke about it, and a loser guy is there and he gets totally insane over it, how these people joke about having sex, when he'd do anything to just have it once.




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